Since Strategic Procurement Solutions was formed over two decades ago, we have produced significant benefits for clients by partnering with, educating, and mentoring their employees. We believe strongly in the motto, “Culture Eats Strategy for Lunch” and have found that imparting “best practice” processes, techniques, and tools will not achieve desired results unless the people behind the controls are vested in a strategic vision of how the procurement process should operate.
Strategic Procurement Solutions helps client groups to put short and long-range strategies in place that truly transform their organizational approach to the supplier marketplace. But just as importantly, we also empower our clients with simple solutions that make their everyday ‘tactical’ jobs easier and more efficient. Every one of our client engagements seeks to put early "Wins on the Board" to gain executive support and rapidly-build momentum.
Unlike many firms in the SCM consulting space, Strategic Procurement Solutions only staffs our projects with experienced professionals who each possess 20+ years of successful procurement experience. During their tenures, they must have demonstrated the ability to deliver multi-million dollar savings…year after year. These are people with intuitive skills to find and solve problems, generate savings, negotiate meaningful concessions from suppliers, and improve overall supply-chain performance. They combine knowledge of ‘best practices’ with ‘practical’ solutions that work. They act as trusted advisors to our clients (and frequently form professional friendships which last far beyond the end of the particular engagement).
In past corporate roles, each of Strategic Procurement Solutions’s founders were sponsors for many company projects that utilized Top 5 consulting firms to deliver change. Our leaders subsequently worked directly for several leading consultancies, where we too-unfortunately saw an ‘insider’ view of the consulting marketplace, with those firms’ emphasis on scope creep, cross-selling, and fee maximization…usually at their client’s expense. Strategic Procurement Solutions was founded with a very-different commitment to “put on the client’s shoes” at every stage of each engagement, to ensure that we are truly helping them to cost-effectively improve their SCM operations.
Strategic Procurement Solutions' founders would rather be truthful than profitable. That's not the case with some advisory firms in the SCM space. But we would rather operate under the ancient motto, "Do unto others" than take the easy way out. But this commitment is part of our goal to earn the title of "Trusted Advisor" with every customer.